u know what kind of ppl i hate most?
1. liars
2. those who talk behind my back (ok..sometimes i did tht also..can't help it)
3. those who waste other's time
my friend A called me this afternoon, asking me abt our plan to go to rosas's wedding end of this month..told her i cant make it even if i got my car back at tht time coz i got to attend a course a day b4 tht .. she told me abt her get-away holiday after attending the wedding..i dunno wht else did we talk abt , but we came to this part :-
me : sori la..akak ada banyak projek laa
A : projek apa..akak nak kawin ke?
me : eisyk ..ada pulak..byk projek lain lagi..calon pun tak de, mcm mana nak kawin..hehe
A : eh..bukan akak ada banyak calon ke?
me : a'ahh mmg byk calon..calon buat suka2 je .. hehe..awak tu..bila nak kenduri?
A : eh tak de dah kak..ermm..dah putus.. (silent for a while)
me : ooh...errmm..tak pe ..tak pe..kita cari lain..jgn risau..malam masih muda (ala2 nk buat lawak yg tak jadi)
A : a'ahh..hehe
the truth hurts..i desperately wanna know what happened actually..so i asked H, who happens to know abt everything :p
turns out, A's fiance for nearly 1 year plus has decided to break off the engagement, saying 'saya tak pernah menyintai awak' and 'saya bertunang dengan awak pun sbb mak saya'
stupid f**king ass!!! gila ke apa?kan tak pasal2 dah buat aku mencarut kat sini..geram nak marah betul dgn tht guy..H pun bengang gila..i think only crazy ppl will reject someone like A..to me , she is perfect - tall, fair, pretty, sweet , kind ..semua benda2 best la ada kat dia..bodoh piang betul x-tunang dia tu..A devastated abt it..she has been really close with the guy's family..so its really2 hard for her n both families to accept it..
when we were students, A penah citer kat i abt her then bf..nampak sgt dia suka kat laki ni..n from the way she tells, i think this guy pun suka kat dia..but then guys..tambah lagi dah keja n got lots of friends..so kdg2 A jeles jugak esp when he put up his pic with his x-gf in his frenster..i was dumb abt guys too, mind u..so i told her 'relax la..tak de apa2 la tu..diorg kawan je kot' .. n i kept telling myself guys always like that..they never show how much they love a gal..just wait until they lose her..then, baru nk meroyan..
it seems like i was totally wrong..i'm so sorry A for giving u such a stupid advice..i should hv told u to leave him tht day..so u wont feel so miserable today..but one thing for sure, u r not losing so much except for the time u've spent loving him..all of us know a gal like u is a hot stuff..soon u'll get a replacement my dear, someone who is better, much much better than ur loser x-fiance..
n when tht day comes, we will remember abt today n we will have the best laugh of our lives.. u see... those who laugh last..laugh the best...n tht would b US *HUGS**
Korean Drama bingeing philosophy
6 years ago
what come around goes around .... loser like that is not worth real love. luckily she is not marry to him yet, that's her good fortune.
very true..
luckily i didnt know that guy personally..or else i would attack him myself for hurting my fren..grrr
Even if you know him personally, its not worth it.
Person like him is too cheap for any of us kind ppl to touch, dirty our hands.
Insyaallah your fren escape from orang satan.
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