Friday, May 23, 2008

nubhan & stacy

i love this couple sweet...i hope stacy will win AF6..

oh..btw just now i make 2nd attempt of vanilla milkshake..still tak jadi la :( .. hmm the other day i ada terbaca we hv to use 'pure vanilla extract' or 'vanilla bean' kalau guna vanilla flavour/essence, they will leave a bitter taste at the end..bila i check my vanilla is vanilla may b sbb tu kot my milkshake jadi tak sedap..half n half tu dh betul..
but i dh penah cari dulu..tak jumpa la kat sini..mcm mana ni?my other recipes pun byk require 'pure vanilla extract' vanilla essence pun dh tinggal separuh..coz i tot kalau i put byk2..i can make the taste better..hmm..makin pahit ada laa :p

since G still kat KL now, i hope he can look for the vanilla extract there..tu pun kalau dia sempat keluar shopping jap la..i hope he can

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