today, i woke up feeling bored..dunno what to do..
took me a while to gather up my mind and headed to the going to make pistachio with citrus ice cream today..the last time we went to pengkalan kubor, mom bought pistachios..still got half packet left..n since i dont want to eat them anymore, y not sacrifice them for my next experiment?hehe..
as amateurs in cooking n baking, i misunderstood the steps again..was supposed to add the warm milk into the mixture of sugar n eggs ..instead i pour in the mixture into the pan contains of warm milk..aduii..harap2 it will b ok...
in the afternoon, i went out to pay my car loan n maxis bill..but CIMB close all its cash deposit machine..geram nya..nasib baik la my due date is on 26th..ahad ni la pulak keluar kot..then i went to tesco..buying few things for my next next the escalator, on my way back to the car, ppl started qeueing..i wonder why..rupa2 nya there's a veteran couple who was terrified to get on the escalator..laa haii..kesian pulak tgk..after a while, they stepped back, allowing others to go first..tht time i ingat nk tarik them to the elevator..but b4 i reached them, a sweet young couple ahead me grabbed the makcik's hand n guide her n her husband to the escalator..waah..what a relief..i thought there's no more good ppl on earth :)
but then i cant help wondering, how did the golden couple got here?if kat ground level, tak pe 1st floor..tadi dia naik macam mana ye?dtg berdua je ke?mana anak2 or whoever who brought them there?hmm..kes parah ni..bawak org tua jalan, pas tu tinggal2 kan..kalau rasa tak larat nk pimpin diorg, jgn la bawak..kesian diorg terkulat2 kat situ..eisykk
Korean Drama bingeing philosophy
6 years ago
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