lupa nk Bedugul, when we went to the strawberry park, we had strawberry and ice cream and strawberry juice..yummy!! :)
ingatkan blh makan strawberry dipped choc mcm yg siti nurhaliza suka agaknya org Bali tak suka kot ..makan kat KL je la nnt
anyway, my 3rd day didnt end at Bedugul..later in the afternoon, kitorg pegi to the famous Tanah Lot..its a temple again..with another great panorama..dont want to say anything else...seeing is believing
ingatkan blh makan strawberry dipped choc mcm yg siti nurhaliza suka agaknya org Bali tak suka kot ..makan kat KL je la nnt
anyway, my 3rd day didnt end at Bedugul..later in the afternoon, kitorg pegi to the famous Tanah Lot..its a temple again..with another great panorama..dont want to say anything else...seeing is believing
my 4th day there..we went to Nusa Dua..Nusa Dua is a concentrated place for most of 5-stars hotels in u can expect a tight security there with well-kept lawn n of course, org kaya2 tak sah kalau tak shopping kat tempat there's plenty of high standard malls around there..what attract us to Nusa Dua was the water sports there..they got quite a handful of various sports to offer..but since Kak Ta and i not prepared to get ourselves wet, we declined the time i dtg, i'll give it a try..Kak Ta was bz digging out info abt diving spots there..i joked with Made on our last day at Bali..the next time i come to Bali,it will b for my honeymoon, n im going to stay at Nusa Dua for the whole trip...not going out anywhere else..hehe
the last 2 days there, we spent our time shopping, shopping and shopping..going to Bali, u must try the massage or spa there..i tried foot reflexology while Kak Ta tried Balinese cool..met another Malaysian there..he also complimented the least hilang la lenguh2 kaki penat shopping all prepared to get back to Malaysia..rindu laa kat Malaysia..
u know what..i love travelling abroad coz every time i did it, i learnt to appreciate our own country even more..i learnt to love my country so much more..i learnt that the peribahasa 'Hujan emas di negari org, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, lebih baik di negeri sendiri ' is definitely true...u will never appeciate things that u have until u lost them..
p/s : to those who interested to go to Bali after reading these, please let me know..i can intro u to my tourist guide..he's good..knew him from a friend coz he is my kawan's he is trustable n reliable..
1 comment:
best ngat bley gi bali nih..
nnt la aku ajk boifren gi.haha..
x sempat la nk chat ngan ko ni ed..aku ni buat2 bz jek..arini demam ploks..ckp bnyk sngt+travel+huh mcm2 hal la..c u later la kt Ym deh..
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