basically kitorg makan kat hotel je..since we got complementary bfast at the hotel, while morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea were provided at the conference area, so the only time yg we got to eat outside is during dinner..
for the 1st nite, G brought Aszraf and me keluar makan kat Sungei Wang..we had teppanyaki coz i dah lama plan dgn G nk try makan benda tu..not bad ..i makan banyak, even though Aszraf n G said i makan skit ..citt..
masa nak balik, tak tau mcm mana, i knocked my head to G's car..adoi..sakit nya!! tak tau nak marah kat keta, or to my head..geram betul!! i must hv knocked my head pretty hard coz after that, i had hallucination..scary pulak bila di pikir2's like this, masa i tgh gosok2 kepala, tiba2 je terasa ada a big, rough hand dok gosok my kepala also...mula2 tu ingatkan tak pun..bila balik hotel, i tanya Aszraf, dia pun denied..abis saper yg gosok kepala i tu?eisk...horror!!
Abang, Cili and me..cheese !!
Cili and Jack
the next day, class abis awal coz they got meeting..since i bukan member, so i was free the whole afternoon la..went out with abang and cili and jack..lepak kat coffee bean for hours...minum ice blended sampai i felt drowsy..took more pics ..:)

Don't take my pic..take my coffee pic :p
tht nite, keluar lagi with cili and jack..they brought me makan nasi lemak kat kg baru..not bad..i love the scenery there, blh nampak twin tower n kl tower..rugi tak amik pics..pas tu gi mini genting kat ampang..oopss...kitorg pegi minum je ye..i still got my sense intact..tak de niat nk buat benda tak elok kat situ..lagi pun i was still drowsy after having the coffee tht afternoon..
Adoiii malu betul, awak sudah put our picture up, i pulak taking my sweet time posting ..... malu 'muka tukar merah'
hehe..its ok..go slow dear..
cant wait to see pics taken from ur cam
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