Monday, August 18, 2008

knowing me

last nite na told me, my bro cakap "ramai2 adik abg, lin la yang paling garang" ke?i garang ke?rasa mcm dh abis baik dh..haha

so pg td i tanya abg, betul ke i garang? abg cakap "there's time when u got hurt, u tend to b sarcastic"

ooh..itu mmg tak boleh nak deny..i mmg sengaja tu..sbb i tak reti nak naikkan plg best attack biar org tu sakit ati la..kalau dia dh sakitkan ati i..mana aci i sorg je yg sakit ati..saper suruh cari pasal dgn saya?

tapi...if i mmg dh betul2 gila2 sakit ati, i wont say anything coz i cant find any other sarcastic words to hurt them..some ppl use curse, but i dont use vulgar words..

so if tiba2 je u found me next to u, not uttering anywords, be ware!! there must b something tht u said/done tht has irritated me to the max..n be careful next time, coz i might pay u back then..heheh

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