Wednesday, August 20, 2008


when i wrote the date today in my report this morning, i felt funny..
today seems like a special day..
then i remembered , dulu masa b4 convo, while preparing for our graduation night show, my friends and i used to list out the predicted dates for us to get married..initially i chose 20.07.2007..but then i changed to i was supposed to get married today laa!! :)
anyway...apa i nak cakap td?lupa la nanti laa


hani (^_^) said...

ah hahaha...i remember!
mase dlm dk1 kn..kita main2..
mine was 080808...kaw2 number..pergh...
jodoh x sampai lagi..
so?kita njoy...hehe..

elinny said...

a'ah..hehe..bestnya zaman dahulu kala
tak yah pikir banyak benda..skrg sampai sesak otak nk pikir segala benda mak nenek yg tah hape2 ni