Wednesday, August 13, 2008

elinny the santa rina

tonite, i went out with kak ji, siti, jihah and ira for ladies nite.. :)
makan2 kat one kedai ni..its my 1st time there..they served boiled foods..but bukan steamboat..apa ntah..chum chim chum..tatau laa
i makan je..jihah n siti ajar what to do..mula2 amik nasi goreng n mee goreng, pastu masukkan crab sticks, fish balls, meat balls, etc..etc dlm sup yg diorg letak atas dapur tu..pastu makan sambil cicah sambal..not bad..rasa mcm makan lauk je
pastu borak2 sampai tak ingat dunia..i think suara kitorg je yg dengar satu kedai tu..eiskk..tak senonoh sungguh..
lepas makan2, b4 saying good nite, i gave them a bag of souvenirs from Bali..phew...finally, the gifts are given out...berebut jugak diorg, coz i bought few things, so diorg kena bahagi2 sesama sendiri la..hehe..kelakar pulak..anyway..rasa lega sket..makin lama i tgk all the gifts dlm bilik i, makin guilty pulak dh kurang sket rasa guilty tu..:p
tapi gifts for cili, abg n g are still with me..err..u all tak nak dtg collect sendiri ke? :p

1 comment:

hani (^_^) said...

waa..tau2..chim chum pengkalan chepa..yummy..best2..
used to lepak2 there mase student dolu2..
ngeh ngeh ngeh..