Tuesday, August 12, 2008

ari yang best...datang la lagi :((

ari ni i went to my former clinic for my research.ok je.my specialist belanja breakfast.segan jugak..i dtg tak bwk apa2 pun kat dia..coz it is pure work..i dont mix work n pleasure.hehe..ok lame excuse..i am absent minded..ngaku je la..dh byk kali asyik lupa je..all the Bali souvenirs still lg dlm paper bag.i baru bagi kat my staff je..pegi klinik kat kb dh 2-3 kali, lupa jugak...jumpa G 2-3 kali...lupa jugak..jumpa kak niny kat pasir puteh...pun lupa jugakk..sorry la ppl

cili n abg...lagi la..even though i lalu dpn post office everyday, i mmg susah nk make an effort tu singgah n post the parcel to both of u ..eisykk...teruk laa elinny ni

boring nya..i baru perasan tht kenduri sambut menantu kak jhan is actually on sunday..i igt saturday..so if sunday, susah sket la..tak leh la nk join menghantar pengantin tu..sorry sgt2..but i hope i can make it for the makan2

pas tu td siti sms ,saying our plan to hv bfast at mcd this weekend kena cancel..coz kak jhan cannot make it.instead, we will go out tomorrow nite..hope i wont b too tired then.

bila laa ari yg best nk dtg lg?lin boring la...i cant wait for something good to happen to lift up my spirit a bit

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