Wednesday, August 6, 2008

ari yang best

ari ni best laa..

pg tadi pegi relief my friend's clinic..pastu ada pulak FYDO baru dtg menolong..sng la..30 patients bahagi 2...bahagia saya nk buat keja..tghari, i pegi KB, lunch with my friends sambil bertukar tukar gosip *grin*

pas tu jumpa my boss..haa..yang ni pun best jugak..i baru nak duduk, tiba2 je my bos tanya, "do u remember me when i met u when u were in final year?"

terkejut jap..the truth is tht when i was in final year, we got interview with JPA, n my current boss was one of the interviewer..of course i do remember n recognise her ever since i started working ..but i terkejut that she recognised n remembered me!! wht did i do back then tht was so outstanding that makes her remember me?she said she does remember few faces..n i was one of them..eiskk..bangga siyut!!

then i pegi KB Mall..ingat nk jumpa i cant contact him coz u know why...

so i just wandering around,go here, go there..bila dh abis idea tu..i igt nk balik je..tiba2 nampak G jalan dpn tak jadi balik..sambung jalan2 dgn dia yg best ni...G beli dumb bell..err..btol ke i eja tu? tp caya laa..i ingat dia nk main2 je masa dia ajak masuk fitness shop tu.. ok..let's give him abt 1 month plus to see the results...ok G?so i guess i should see the difference sometime around raya :)

oh..btw, now tht i started using SK-II, i spotted the difference laa..sesuai kot dgn my pegi la tanya org SK-II ..but org ni not as convincing as the one i met masa kat KL..anyway, i might continue with the product..but hv to manage my budget first..RM 800++ tau just to get 1 set tht contains 5 items only..makes me think again n again to buy or not to buy them...err..tak de org nak sponsor ke? hehehe :p


hani (^_^) said...

kepada ed yg euphoric hari ni...keke..
tnye x ur boss..whether she remember me or not?
kakaka..i kan outstanding..muahaha..pasan2..
well,i want to c the different..
meh la sun bathing kat perhentian..kita see the different..nak?
dari hani yg dejavu!!

elinny said...

hehe..bleh bleh..

eh..G cakap muka aku dah putih sket..ayat jaga ati tu.. :p tak pe tak pe..
ujung bulan ni aku ada kursus paeds kat kuantan..meh la spot the difference ..hehe