Saturday, August 16, 2008

what did i do this weekend?

i...BASUH KETA!! siap vacuum n polish my i good or what?
my dad siap perli2 lagi..dia pegi kat blkg keta n said..."ada bau laa...bau wangi" cehhh..sabor je la..i know..i havent washed my car myself for months..lately ayah je yg tlg basuhkan..hehe..ayah siap cakap ..lin sayang keta awal2 je..skrg dh tak sayang dah..sbb tu tak penah nk basuh :p

i got kak jehan her wedding cake..for the majlis menghantar pengantin tomorrow..tadi pegi antar kek tu kat umah kak jie..kak jehan will pick the cake tomorrow ..sampai2 je kat umah kak jie, baru nk turun, kak jie keluar rumah to greet me n tell someone in the house.." ni la ed..nama dia adlin, tapi panggil ed je"

i was kak jie introduced i kat saper?bukan ke most of her family mmg dh kenal i?ye la..siap penah tdo kat umah kak jie 2 kali dah..rupa2 nya its her husband..baru i ingat, i tak penah jumpa her hubby b4..masa her wedding ari tu, i pegi awal b4 the groom one glance, all i can say is that kak jie n her hubby look alike laa..thts good news coz org cakap, pasangan yg ada iras ni, jodoh diorg Insya Allah panjang..AMIN..good looking jugak hubby kak jie..pandai kak jie other words, kalau ada somebody who looks like him (n perangai mcm dia jugak), harus i tackle cepat2 :p

wonder tak how does he look?basically mcm ni la.. tall, tanned, wearing glasses, looks educated, sopan,n likes to smile..sepanjang i kat umah tu, dia asyik senyum je..he's a bit quiet itu la, tak kisah la if u r talkative or not, yg penting does comfort others.. :)

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